Drops with insoluble surfactant squeezing through interparticle constrictions

Jacob R. Gissinger, Alexander Z. Zinchenko, Robert H. Davis

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10 Scopus citations


The interfacial behaviour of surfactant-laden drops squeezing through tight constrictions in a uniform far-field flow is modelled with respect to capillary number, drop-to-medium viscosity ratio and surfactant contamination. The surfactant is treated as insoluble and non-diffusive, and drop surface tension is related to surfactant concentration by a linear equation of state. The constriction is formed by three solid spheres held rigidly in space. A characteristic aspect of this confined and contaminated multiphase system is the rapid development of steep surfactant-concentration gradients during the onset of drop squeezing. The interplay between two physical effects of surfactant, namely the greater interface deformability due to decreased surface tension and interface immobilization due to Marangoni stresses, results in particularly rich drop-squeezing dynamics. A three-dimensional boundary-integral algorithm is used to describe drop hydrodynamics, and accurate treatment of close squeezing and trapped states is enabled by advanced singularity subtraction techniques. Surfactant transport and hydrodynamics are coupled via the surface convection equation (or convection-diffusion equation, if artificial diffusion is included), the interfacial stress balance and a solid-particle contribution based on the Hebeker representation. For extreme conditions, such as drop-to-medium viscosity ratios significantly less than unity, it is found that upwind-biased methods are the only stable approaches for modelling surfactant transport. Two distinct schemes, upwind finite volume and flow-biased least squares, are found to provide results in close agreement, indicating negligible numerical diffusion. Surfactant transport is enhanced by low drop-to-medium viscosity ratios, at which extremely sharp concentration gradients form during various stages of the squeezing process. The presence of surfactant, even at low degrees of contamination, significantly decreases the critical capillary number for droplet trapping, due to the accumulation of surfactant at the downwind pole of the drop and its subsequent elongation. Increasing the degree of contamination significantly affects surface mobility and further decreases the critical capillary number as well as drop squeezing times, up to a threshold above which the addition of surfactant negligibly affects squeezing dynamics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)324-355
Number of pages32
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
StatePublished - 10 Nov 2019


  • boundary integral methods
  • drops
  • porous media


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