Dynamic behavior and liquefaction analysis of recycled-rubber sand mixtures

Bo Li, Maosong Huang, Xiangwu Zeng

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113 Scopus citations


Processed tire wastes mixed with soils are applicable as lightweight fillers for slopes, subbases of pavements and retaining walls that may be subjected to seismic loads, e.g., earthquake or traffic loads. The dynamic response of granulated rubber-soil mixtures, such as the dynamic shear modulus, damping factors and liquefaction resistance, is essential in the design of such a system. This report presents the results of the dynamic behavior of granulated rubber-sand mixtures using resonant column tests and cyclic triaxial tests to assess the potential use of recycled rubber crumb in improving the performance of granular materials by mixing with different tire crumb sizes and fractions. Two contact types are identified that could explain the evolutionary behavior of the shear modulus and the damping ratio. The results of the rubber-sand mixtures are compared with the results from the literature. The mix ratio is shown to significantly influence the dynamic shear modulus and the liquefaction susceptibility. The results serve as a supplement to enrich the database of the dynamic behavior of soil-rubber mixtures as lightweight filler materials in dry and saturated conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04016122
JournalJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2016


  • Damping ratio
  • Liquefaction resistance
  • Rubber-sand mixture
  • Shear modulus


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