Dynamics of interacting qubits coupled to a common bath: Non-Markovian quantum-state-diffusion approach

Xinyu Zhao, Jun Jing, Brittany Corn, Ting Yu

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67 Scopus citations


Non-Markovian dynamics is studied for two interacting qubits strongly coupled to a dissipative bosonic environment. We derive a non-Markovian quantum-state-diffusion (QSD) equation for the coupled two-qubit system without any approximations, and in particular, without the Markov approximation. As an application and illustration of our derived time-local QSD equation, we investigate the temporal behavior of quantum coherence dynamics. In particular, we find a strongly non-Markovian regime where entanglement generation is significantly modulated by the environmental memory. Additionally, we study residual entanglement in the steady state by analyzing the steady-state solution of the QSD equation. Finally, we discuss an approximate QSD equation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number032101
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2 Sep 2011


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