ECBCM: A prestige-based edge computing blockchain security consensus model

Shichang Xuan, Zhiyu Chen, Ilyong Chung, Haowen Tan, Dapeng Man, Xiaojiang Du, Wu Yang, Mohsen Guizani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


The explosive growth of data in the network has brought huge burdens and challenges to traditional centralized cloud computing data processing. To solve this problem, edge computing technology came into being. Because the edge is closer to the user, processing part of the data at the edge can also bring a faster response to the user and improve their experience. However, the existing edge computing platforms have problems such as data storage security and multiparty data mutual trust. Blockchain technology has become an important means to solve the above data storage and sharing problems due to its excellent characteristics. The core of blockchain technology is consensus, and its speed and security will directly affect the efficiency and stability of the blockchain system. Therefore, this study uses the consensus mechanism as an entry point to reduce the resource consumption of the edge computing blockchain system and improve its security. In order to reduce the resource consumption of traditional consensus algorithms, improve their adaptability in the edge computing environment, and solve the security problem caused by the concentration of node rights, a prestige-based edge computing blockchain security consensus model (ECBCM) is proposed. ECBCM is a general model based on prestige rewards and penalties. It also introduces a node replacement mechanism to ensure the fault tolerance of the consensus process. According to the results of multiple sets of performance comparison experiments and security verification experiments after embedding the existing consensus algorithm, the validity of the consensus model is confirmed.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere4015
JournalTransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2021


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