Effect of a surface tension gradient on the slip flow along a superhydrophobic air-water interface

Dong Song, Baowei Song, Haibao Hu, Xiaosong Du, Peng Du, Chang Hwan Choi, Jonathan P. Rothstein

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48 Scopus citations


Superhydrophobic surfaces have been shown to produce significant drag reduction in both laminar and turbulent flows by introducing an apparent slip velocity along an air-water interface trapped within the surface roughness. In the experiments presented within this study, we demonstrate the existence of a surface tension gradient associated with the resultant Marangoni flow along an air-water interface that causes the slip velocity and slip length to be significantly reduced. In this study, the slip velocity along a millimeter-sized air-water interface was investigated experimentally. This large-scale air-water interface facilitated a detailed investigation of the interfacial velocity profiles as the flow rate, interfacial curvature, and interface geometry were varied. For the air-water interfaces supported above continuous grooves (concentric rings within a torsional shear flow) where no surface tension gradient exists, a slip velocity as high as 30% of the bulk velocity was observed. However, for the air-water interfaces supported above discontinuous grooves (rectangular channels in a Poiseuille flow), the presence of a surface tension gradient reduced the slip velocity and in some cases resulted in an interfacial velocity that was opposite to the main flow direction. The curvature of the air-water interface in the spanwise direction was found to dictate the details of the interfacial flow profile with reverse flow in the center of the interface for concave surfaces and along the outside of the interface for convex surfaces. The deflection of the air-water interface was also found to greatly affect the magnitude of the slip. Numerical simulations imposed with a relatively small surface tension gradient along the air-water interface were able to predict both the reduced slip velocity and back flow along the air-water interface.

Original languageEnglish
Article number033303
JournalPhysical Review Fluids
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2018


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