Effect of Long-Term Bridge Deformations on Safe Operation of High-Speed Railway and Vibration of Vehicle-Bridge Coupled System

Hongye Gou, Longcheng Yang, Zhixiang Mo, Wei Guo, Xiaoyu Shi, Yi Bao

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81 Scopus citations


Operation safety of high-speed trains is dependent on their vibration characteristics, which vary with bridge deformation. This paper studies the influence of bridge pier settlement and girder creep camber, which are two typical types of long-term bridge deformation, on the vibration of high-speed trains. To this end, an analytical approach is presented to link the bridge deformation with railway track deformation; the track deformation is used to analyze the vibration of the CRH2 high-speed train in China. The vibration analysis results are validated using the in-situ measurement data. The present study shows that bridge pier settlement greatly affects the vertical acceleration, derailment coefficient and wheel unloading rate of the high-speed train; incorporating bridge girder camber aggravates the vibration of the train-bridge system. The threshold of bridge pier settlement is suggested to be 11.1mm for trains moving at 350km/h with regard to the code-specified vibration limit. This study has significant implications for the design and operation of high-speed railways.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1950111
JournalInternational Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019


  • Coupled vehicle-bridge system
  • high-speed railway
  • long-term bridge deformation
  • pier settlement
  • safety threshold


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