Effect of macro-bending on resonant wavelength and intensity of long-period gratings in photonic crystal fiber

Zonghu He, Yinian Zhu, Henry Du

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32 Scopus citations


We report the spectral characteristics of CO2-laser inscribed long-period gratings (LPGs) in endlessly single mode photonic crystal fiber (PCF) subject to macro-bending. The coupling modes as a result of bending were studied by examining the shifts of resonant wavelengths, the splits of attenuation bands, and the variation in coupling strength of the transmission spectra. A bending coefficient of ∼ 27.9 nm·m was determined in the PCF at 180° rotational orientation relative to the point of laser inscription in the curvature range from 2.6 m-1 to 3.5 m -1. Compared with conventional fiber LPGs fabricated using the same method, the PCF-based LPGs possess higher sensitivity both to bending and orientation, making them promising for sensor applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1804-1810
Number of pages7
JournalOptics Express
Issue number4
StatePublished - 19 Feb 2007


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