Effect of mean flow unsteadiness on the subharmonic growth in a plane mixing layer

M. R. Hajj, R. W. Miksad, E. J. Powers

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The effect of introducing a low-frequency periodic mean flow component on the subharmonic growth is investigated. The differences in the development of the fundamental and subharmonic modes under steady and unsteady mean flow conditions are pointed out. The causes behind these differences are investigated using higher order digital analysis techniques. By comparison of the results under steady and unsteady mean flow conditions, we detect the nonlinear interactions that are introduced by the mean flow unsteadiness. The overall effect of mean flow unsteadiness on the transition to turbulence in mixing layers is investigated.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 1990
EventTwelfth Turbulence Symposium - Rolla, MS, USA
Duration: 24 Sep 199026 Sep 1990


ConferenceTwelfth Turbulence Symposium
CityRolla, MS, USA


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