Effective factors and policies in electrical energy security

Hadi Vatankhah Ghadim, Jaber Fallah Ardashir, Philip Odonkor

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Electrical Energy Security (EES) is one of the necessities of development in the modern world. Understanding the principles of EES and knowing about possible focus fields can be beneficial for legislation attempts to ease the path toward secure power systems. Therefore, having a basic knowledge of influential factors on the security of energy supply will be useful. In this chapter, the effective factors in providing security for electrical energy supply will be discussed. Furthermore, possible policy options in the areas of infrastructure improvement, resource planning, cybersecurity, grid maintenance, market management, and geopolitics that can have an impact on the improvement of the supply security levels in the energy systems will be discussed. Different failure experiences from various countries and regions of the world will be studied to emphasize the importance of policymaking to meet the supply security targets. Eventually, future perspectives on the development of EES in future power systems will be noted, and several possible focus fields will be introduced.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Handbook of Energy Policy
    Number of pages31
    ISBN (Electronic)9789811967788
    StatePublished - 29 Apr 2023


    • Cyber-physical systems
    • Electrical energy security
    • Energy geopolitics
    • Energy market management
    • Infrastructure improvement
    • Resource planning


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