Effects of multistage coupling and disk flexibility on mistuned bladed disk dynamics

R. Bladh, M. P. Castanier, C. Pierre

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92 Scopus citations


The effects of disk fiexibility and multistage coupling on the dynamics of bladed disks with and without blade mistuning are investigated. Both free and forced responses are examined using finite element representations of example single and two-stage rotor models. The reported work demonstrates the importance of proper treatment of interstage (stage-to-stage) boundaries in order to yield adequate capture of disk-blade modal interaction in eigenfrequency veering regions. The modified disk-blade modal interactions resulting from interstage-coupling-induced changes in disk flexibility are found to have a significant impact on (a) tuned responses due to excitations passing through eigenfrequency veering regions, and (b) a design's sensitivity to blade mistuning. Hence, the findings in this paper suggest that multistage analyses may be required when excitations are expected to fall in or near eigenfrequency veering regions or when the sensitivity to blade mistuning is to be accounted for. Conversely, the observed sensitivity to disk flexibility also indicates that the severity of unfavorable structural interblade coupling may be reduced significantly by redesigning the disk(s) and stage-to-stage connectivity. The relatively drastic effects of such modifications illustrated in this work indicate that the design modifications required to alleviate veering-related response problems may be less comprehensive than what might have been expected.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-130
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2003


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