Efficient authenticated data structures for graph connectivity and geometric search problems

Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Nikos Triandopoulos

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39 Scopus citations


Following in the spirit of data structure and algorithm correctness checking, authenticated data structures provide cryptographic proofs that their answers are as accurate as the author intended, even if the data structure is being controlled by a remote untrusted host. In this paper we present efficient techniques for authenticating data structures that represent graphs and collections of geometric objects. We use a data-querying model where a data structure maintained by a trusted source is mirrored at distributed untrusted servers, called responders, with the responders answering queries made by users: when a user queries a responder, along with the answer to the issued query, he receives a cryptographic proof that allows the verification of the answer trusting only a short statement (digest) signed by the source. We introduce the path hash accumulator, a new primitive based on cryptographic hashing for efficiently authenticating various properties of structured data represented as paths, including any decomposable query over sequences of elements. We show how to employ our primitive to authenticate queries about properties of paths in graphs and search queries on multi-catalogs. This allows the design of new, efficient authenticated data structures for fundamental problems on networks, such as path and connectivity queries over graphs, and complex queries on two-dimensional geometric objects, such as intersection and containment queries. By building on our new primitive we achieve efficiency and modularity: our schemes can be easily analyzed in terms of complexity and security and are simple to implement. Our work has applications to the authentication of network management systems and geographic information systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)505-552
Number of pages48
JournalAlgorithmica (New York)
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2011


  • Authenticated data structures
  • Data authentication
  • Geometric searching
  • Graph connectivity
  • Informationintegrity


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