Efficient valuation of guaranteed minimum maturity benefits in regime switching jump diffusion models with surrender risk

Wei Zhong, Zhenyu Cui, Zhimin Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


We present an efficient valuation approach for guaranteed minimum maturity benefits (GMMBs) embedded in variable annuity (VA) contracts in a regime-switching jump diffusion model. We allow early surrender of the VA contract and impose surrender charges, which are important in practice to discourage early termination/lapse of the contract. We consider both continuously-monitored and discretely-monitored surrender behaviors before maturity, and utilize an intensity-based framework. Based on the continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) approximation combined with the Fourier cosine series expansion method, we find that the valuation problem can be solved under a regime-switching jump diffusion framework. Both error analysis and numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114914
JournalJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
StatePublished - Apr 2023


  • Continuous-time Markov chain
  • GMMB
  • Regime-switching jump diffusion model
  • Surrender risk


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