Emerging non-invasive microwave and millimeter-wave imaging technologies for food inspection

Nathan Jeong, Yu Gan, Lingyan Kong

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


The microwave and millimeter-wave (MMW) imaging technology is gaining increasing interest for food inspection. It allows for noninvasive, contactless, and fast scanning capabilities, while being cost-efficient and safe to human. This review paper introduces the fundamentals in the interaction of electromagnetic wave with food materials and the current MMW sensing and imaging systems used for foods. Then we present emerging technologies in MMW imaging for inspecting food quality and safety, aiming to meet the modern food industry’s demand. According to the most recent technological advancements, it is expected that high-performance antenna, ultrawide bandwidth signal generation, nano-scale semiconductor technologies, radio frequency identification with inductance-capacitance resonator, and machine learning could significantly enhance the capabilities of MMW imaging systems for food inspection.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • food inspection
  • food quality
  • Microwave imaging
  • millimeter-wave imaging
  • noninvasive
  • sensing


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