Emission properties of photonic crystal nanolasers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Nanolasers built on a photonic crystal platform have generated tremendous interest in the research community driven by their device application potential for on-chip optical interconnects, beam steering, biochemical sensing and quantum information processing. This chapter reviews the optical emission properties of photonic crystal nanolasers with a focus on devices operating with a few or even an individual semiconductor quantum dot as a gain medium. Concepts underlying the design and operation of these devices, as well as recent experimental results and lasing signatures are discussed. A particular focus will be the critical discussion of the 'self-tuned gain' mechanism, which gives rise to quantum-dot mode coupling in the off-resonant case.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuantum Optics with Semiconductor Nanostructures
Number of pages39
StatePublished - Jul 2012


  • Cavity-QED
  • Coherence
  • Nanolaser
  • Photon statistics
  • Photonic crystals
  • Quantum dots


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