Energy harvesting from iced-conductor inspired wake galloping

Zhimiao Yan, Lingzhi Wang, Muhammad R. Hajj, Zhitao Yan, Yi Sun, Ting Tan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Scopus citations


Energy harvesting from wake galloping of crescent-shape and D-shape cross-section bluff bodies inspired by galloping of iced conductors is investigated. Analytical models are derived in the framework of electromechanical extension of the Hamilton's principle, Euler–Bernoulli beam assumption and quasi-steady hypothesis. Experiments are performed in an open-circuit boundary layer wind tunnel to investigate the wake effects of the upstream fixed interference cylinder on the performance of the downstream energy harvester and validate the analytical model. The observations are explained with the wake characteristics and lift force as determined from Large Eddy Simulation. The results show that the wake effects of the upstream fixed interference cylinders can positively enhance the performance of the downstream energy harvester. The wake galloping energy harvesters with the iced D-shape and crescent-shape bluff bodies display remarkable enhancement in terms of the harvested power density for wide interference spacing range when compared to energy harvesters placed in the wake of a non-iced circular bluff body. The power density of the wake galloping energy harvester with the iced-conductor inspired bluff bodies at the optimal interference spacing is about 63 times that of the power density of the wake galloping energy harvester with the classic circular bluff body.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100633
JournalExtreme Mechanics Letters
StatePublished - Feb 2020


  • Iced conductors
  • Large Eddy simulation
  • Piezoelectric energy harvester
  • Wake galloping


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