Enhanced broadband multi-mode compliant orthoplanar spring piezoelectric vibration energy harvester using magnetic force

Sharvari Dhote, Zhengbao Yang, Kamran Behdinan, Jean Zu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


We proposed a nonlinear multi-mode tri-leg compliant orthoplanar spring piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvester (COPS-PVEH), which provided the improved performance using a pure geometric nonlinearity, in terms of a wide bandwidth, and a high-voltage output in forward and reverse sweeps. This paper presents an application of magnetic force interaction to further enhance the performance of the COPS-PVEH. A repulsive magnetic force is added to the spring to change the harvester system's stiffness. A lumped parameter model is derived and analytically solved for the designed harvester with a magnetic coupling. The experiments are carried out by adding a moving magnet at the center of the spring and a pair of fixed magnets at the top and bottom sides of the harvester. Both experimental data and simulation results show the benefits brought through the dynamics of a magnetic oscillator. In an experiment by adding magnetic force, a slight increase is observed in the operating bandwidth and a 10% increase in the magnitude of voltage output is achieved at the same excitation level. The magnetic interaction on the COPS-PVEH with an addition of multiple masses has also achieved an increase in voltage output and bandwidth. In addition, the gap between the three vibration modes has been reduced.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-71
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences
StatePublished - Jan 2018


  • Compliant orthoplanar spring
  • Multi-mode
  • Multiple unimorphs
  • Nonlinear vibration
  • Piezoelectric energy harvester


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