Evaluation of bi-directional cascading failure propagation in integrated electricity-natural gas system

Zhejing Bao, Zhewei Jiang, Lei Wu

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46 Scopus citations


This paper aims at evaluating the bi-directional cascading failure propagation in integrated electricity-natural gas system (IEGS), with energy coupling components such as gas-fired generators and electricity-driven gas compressors. An integrated simulation approach is proposed to describe cascading failure propagation resulting from various triggering events, in which steady-state power flow, dynamic gas transmission, and working mode switching of gas compressors are considered. Electricity network islanding, re-dispatching of electricity generation and gas source pressure, as well as electricity and gas load shedding simulate the consequence of interactive cascading failure propagation. When a new steady state of IEGS is reached after the occurrence of an initial failure in either electricity or gas sub-system, the statistical indices with respect to energy supply availability of IEGS are calculated to assess risks caused by the cascading failure, and significances of individual electricity branches and gas pipelines are evaluated. An IEGS, consisting of a 24-bus 35-branch electricity grid and a 28-node 25-branch gas network coupled by two electricity-driven gas compressors and three gas-fired generators, is established to validate the proposed approach. Numerical simulations illustrate distinct characteristics of electricity and gas sub-systems in the cascading failure propagation process as well as different impacts of each sub-system on the other.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106045
JournalInternational Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
StatePublished - Oct 2020


  • Cascading failure
  • Dynamic gas transmission
  • Evaluation
  • Integrated electricity–natural gas system
  • Steady-state power flow


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