Evolution of FITL system requirements for existing and new services

C. A. Personick, H. R. Salloum, M. A. Seely

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


At the end of 1990, a Technical Advisory, TA-NWT-000909, Issue 1, Generic Requirements and Objectives for Fiber in the Loop (FITL) Systems was issued. Bellcore is planning a release a second issue of TA-909. The two primary drivers for the planned re-issue of TA-909 are to improve existing requirements that may permit more cost-effective delivery of existing services and to provide initial requirements that enable upgrade of TR-909 systems for the transport of higher bandwidth services. The pending additions and changes that are currently being socialized within the industry, Bellcore and BCCs are outlined. Some of the key technical areas discussed include a more cost-effective platform for the delivery of existing telecommunications services, powering, the interrelationship between SONET (synchronous optical network), IDLC and FITL technologies, the changing transmission and operations environment impacting FITL system deployment, and higher bandwidth service capabilities and performance. The requirements evolution for existing telecommunications services is also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication5th Conference on Optical/Hybrid Access Networks, OHAN 1993 - Conference Proceedings
ISBN (Electronic)078031249X, 9780780312494
StatePublished - 1993
Event5th Conference on Optical/Hybrid Access Networks, OHAN 1993 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 7 Sep 19939 Sep 1993

Publication series

Name5th Conference on Optical/Hybrid Access Networks, OHAN 1993 - Conference Proceedings


Conference5th Conference on Optical/Hybrid Access Networks, OHAN 1993


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