Expansion of harmonically trapped interacting particles and time dependence of the contact

Chunlei Qu, Lev P. Pitaevskii, Sandro Stringari

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18 Scopus citations


We study the expansion of an interacting atomic system at zero temperature, following its release from an isotropic three-dimensional harmonic trap and calculate the time dependence of its density and momentum distribution, with special focus on the behavior of the contact parameter. We consider different quantum systems, including the unitary Fermi gas of infinite scattering length, the weakly interacting Bose gas, and two interacting particles with highly asymmetric mass imbalance. In all cases analytic results can be obtained, which show that the initial value of the contact, fixing the 1/k4 tail of the momentum distribution, disappears for large expansion times. Our results raise the problem of understanding the recent experiment of R. Chang [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 235303 (2016)]PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.117.235303 carried out on a weakly interacting Bose gas of metastable He4 atoms, where a 1/r4 tail in the density distribution was observed after a large expansion time, implying the existence of the 1/k4 tail in the asymptotic momentum distribution.

Original languageEnglish
Article number063635
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number6
StatePublished - 23 Dec 2016


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