Experimental investigation of mode localization and forced response amplitude magnification for a mistuned bladed disk

J. Judge, C. Pierre, O. Mehmed

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86 Scopus citations


The results of an experimental investigation on the effects of random blade mistuning on the forced dynamic response of bladed disks are reported. The primary aim of the experiment is to gain understanding of the phenomena of mode localization and forced response blade amplitude magnification in bladed disks. A stationary, nominally periodic, 12-bladed disk with simple geometry is subjected to a travelling-wave out-of-plane "engine order" excitation delivered via phase-shifted control signals sent to piezoelectric actuators mounted on the blades. The bladed disk is then mistuned by the addition of small, unequal weights to the blade tips, and it is again subjected to a traveling wave excitation. The experimental data is used to verify analytical predictions about the occurrence of localized mode shapes, increases in forced response amplitude, and changes in resonant frequency due to the presence of mistuning. Very good agreement between experimental measurements and finite element analysis is obtained. The out-of-plane response is compared and contrasted with the previously reported in-plane mode localization behavior of the same test specimen. This work also represents an important extension of previous experimental study by investigating a frequency regime in which modal density is lower but disk-blade interaction is significantly greater.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)940-950
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2001


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