Experiments utilizing ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating on the TFTR tokamak

J. R. Wilson, J. C. Hosea, M. G. Bell, M. Bitter, R. Boivin, E. D. Fredrickson, G. J. Greene, G. W. Hammett, K. W. Hill, D. J. Hoffman, H. Hsuan, M. Hughes, A. C. Janos, D. L. Jassby, F. C. Jobes, D. W. Johnson, C. K. Phillips, D. K. Mansfield, K. M. McGuire, S. S. MedleyD. Mueller, Y. Nagayama, M. Ono, D. K. Owens, H. K. Park, M. Phillips, A. T. Ramsey, G. L. Schmidt, S. D. Scott, J. E. Stevens, B. C. Stratton, E. Synakowski, G. Taylor, M. Ulrickson, K. L. Wong, M. C. Zarnstorff, S. J. Zweben

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6 Scopus citations


A variety of experiments have been performed on the TFTR tokamak [Wilson et al., Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988 (IAEA, Vienna, 1989), Vol. 1, p. 691] utilizing ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heating. Of special interest has been the insight into plasma performance gained by utilizing a different heating scheme other than the usual neutral beam injection (NBI). Utilizing ICRF heating allows control over the power deposition profile independent of the plasma fueling profile. In addition, by varying the minority concentration the power split between ion and electron heating can be varied. Confinement has been examined in high recycling gas fueled discharges, low recycling supershot plasmas, and peaked density pellet fueled discharges. Global confinement is found not to be affected by the method or localization of plasma heating, but the calculated local diffusivities vary with the power deposition profile to yield similar global values. In addition, sawtooth stabilization observed with ICRF heating has been investigated and found to occur in qualitative agreement with theory. ICRF sawtooth stabilized discharges exhibit peaked temperature and density profiles and have a safety factor q that appears to fall well below unity on axis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2270-2276
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics of Fluids B
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1991


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