Extrusion and lubrication flows of viscoplastic fluids with wall slip

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The simplest model flow which approximates the extrusion (shallow screw channels) and lubrication flow is the steady, laminar flow occurring between two infinitely long parallel plates i.e., the generalized plane Couette flow. Here we develop an analytical model of the generalized plane Couette flow of viscoplastic fluids. The deformation and flow behavior of viscoplastic fluids can be realistically represented with the Herschel-Bulkley constitutive equation, which we have utilized as the basis for the development of our analytical model. Furthermore, as also demonstrated here, the deformation behavior of viscoplastic fluids is generally complicated by the presence of wall slip at solid walls, which occurs as a function of the wall shear stress. The wall slip versus the wall shear stress behavior of viscoplastic fluids can be experimentally characterized using viscomelric flows, including steady torsional and capillary flows. Thus determined Navieris wall slip coefficient can then be utilized in modeling of processing flows. In our analytical model of the generalized plane Couette flow of viscoplastic fluids the Navier’s wall slip boundary condition was included. This model should be an important engineering tool, which provides design expressions for the extrusion and lubrication flows of viscoplastic fluids. with or without wall slit occurrin2 at the walls.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-150
Number of pages24
JournalChemical Engineering Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - 4 Jan 1993


  • Extrusion
  • flow
  • lubrication
  • slip
  • viscoplastic


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