Fault-tolerant breathing pattern in optical lattices as a dynamical quantum memory

Zhao Ming Wang, Lian Ao Wu, Michele Modugno, Mark S. Byrd, Ting Yu, J. Q. You

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11 Scopus citations


Proposals for quantum information processing often require the development of new quantum technologies. However, here we build quantum memory by ultracold atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices with existing state-of-the-art technology. Under a parabolic external field, we demonstrate that an arbitrary initial state at an end of the optical lattices can time evolve and revive, with very high fidelity, at predictable discrete time intervals. Physically, the parabolic field can catalyze a breathing pattern. The initial state is "memorized" by the pattern and can be retrieved at any of the revival time moments. In comparison with usual time-independent memory, we call this a dynamical memory. Furthermore, we show that the high fidelity of the quantum state at revival time moments is fault tolerant against the fabrication defects and even time-dependent noise.

Original languageEnglish
Article number042326
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 25 Apr 2014


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