Finding appropriate data for ABET self-study sections B2 and B3 for engineering programs

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


ABET accreditation is an established benchmark for undergraduate engineering programs in the United States and ensures the quality of education college engineering students receive. As such, ABET is the recognized U.S. accreditor of engineering college and university programs. ABET outlines the criteria for each engineering program and the key elements of what is required in each engineering program's Self Study. However, ABET leaves up to the interpretation of each engineering program the details of how to present the findings of its hopefully successful defense of its own program. This apparent paradox results from the many elements, characteristics and factors that can contribute to successful accreditation. This paper gives a summary of types of data that can be used in the ABET accreditation process. Specifically the data presented was used in the 2004 ABET accreditation of the Engineering Management program at Stevens Institute of Technology. Examples of types of data leading toward accreditation and recommendations of how colleges and universities can implement similar data assessment processes are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
StatePublished - 2007
Event114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, 2007 - Honolulu, HI, United States
Duration: 24 Jun 200727 Jun 2007


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