Frontal plane balance during pre-planned and late-cued 90 degree turns while walking

Mitchell Tillman, Janine Molino, Antonia M. Zaferiou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


This study evaluated frontal-plane dynamic balance control during 90° left turns while walking. Ten healthy young adults performed straight-line gait, pre-planned turns, and turns cued visually (late-cued turns). We quantified rotational balance control via the range of frontal-plane angular momentum (Hf) about the center of mass (COM), and the relative positioning of the COM and the feet using the horizontal distance from the COM to the lateral edge of the base of support (lateral distance) and the mediolateral margin of stability (MOSml). We hypothesized that the Hf range would increase and the lateral distance and MOSml minima would decrease during each turn type vs. straight-line gait and during late-cued vs. pre-planned turns. We found that the range of Hf was significantly greater during each turn type vs. straight-line gait and during late-cued vs. pre-planned turns. Also, the lateral distance minima were significantly smaller during turns vs. straight-line gait, and during pre-planned vs. late-cued turns. Our hypotheses about MOSml were partially supported because the MOSml minima patterns were specific to right or left steps and were not significantly different between straight-line gait and pre-planned turns overall, but the right step's MOSml minima were more negative during late-cued vs. pre-planned turns and between either turn and straight-line gait. Finally, we observed slower gait speeds, fewer footfalls, shorter turn phase duration, and different turn strategies used during late-cued vs. pre-planned turns. Overall, these findings reveal multifaceted control of frontal-plane balance during turns encountered during everyday mobility.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111206
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
StatePublished - Aug 2022


  • Angular momentum
  • Balance
  • Frontal plane
  • Locomotion
  • Postural control
  • Rotation
  • Turn


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