Generalised parametric Rao test for multi-channel adaptive detection of range-spread targets

P. Wang, H. Li, T. R. Kavala, B. Himed

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This study considers the problem of detecting a multi-channel signal of range-spread targets in a homogeneous environment, where the disturbances in both test signal and training signals share the same covariance matrix. To this end, a generalised parametric Rao (GP-Rao) test is developed by modelling the disturbance as a multi-channel auto-regressive process. The GP-Rao test uses less training data and is computationally more efficient, when compared with conventional covariance matrix-based solutions. The theoretical detection performance of the GP-Rao test is characterised in terms of the asymptotic distribution under both hypotheses. Numerical results indicate that the proposed GP-Rao test attains asymptotically the constant false alarm rate property. Numerical results show that the GP-Rao test achieves better detection performance and uses significantly less training signals than the covariance matrix-based approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)404-412
Number of pages9
JournalIET Signal Processing
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jul 2012


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