Guided wave propagation in a double-layer plate with a nonlinear spring-interface

Junzhen Wang, Jianmin Qu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


This article derives the solution to the guided wave fields in a double-layer plate consisting of two sublayers. It is assumed that the two sublayers are linearly elastic. They are bonded together at their interface by a nonlinear adhesive layer of infinitesimal thickness. This allows us to propose a nonlinear spring-interface model. Based on such an idealized model for the double-layer plate, guided wave fields in the plate are solved using the modified normal mode expansion method. It is found that the nonlinearity of the spring-interface can generate resonant guided waves in the double-layer plate. Specifically, when certain conditions are met, mixing of two primary guided waves will generate resonant guided waves whose frequencies are either the sum or difference of those of the two primary waves. Amplitudes of such resonant mixed waves are proportional to the compliance of the nonlinear spring-interface. As a special case, if the two primary waves have the same frequency, a resonant second harmonic guided wave may be generated. In addition, the conditions that generate resonant mixed waves are identified. We believe that the results of this work provide the theoretical foundation on which nondestructive evaluation techniques using nonlinear guided waves can be developed to nondestructively evaluate, for example, the bond strength of thin coating on a substrate.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107189
StatePublished - Feb 2024


  • Nondestructive evaluation
  • Nonlinear guided waves
  • Normal mode expansion
  • Second harmonic generation
  • Wave mixing


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