Highly efficient and pure few-photon source on chip

Zhaohui Ma, Jia Yang Chen, Malvika Garikapati, Zhan Li, Chao Tang, Yong Meng Sua, Yu Ping Huang

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5 Scopus citations


We report on multiphoton statistics of correlated twin beams produced in a periodic poled microring resonator on thin-film lithium niobate. Owing to high-cavity confinement and near-perfect quasi-phase-matching, the photon pairs are produced efficiently in single modes at rates reaching 27 MHz per μW pump power. By using a pump laser whose pulse-width impedance matches with the cavity, those photons are further created in single longitudinal modes with purity reaching 99%, without relying on later-on filtering. With a dual-channel photon-number-resolving detection system, we obtain directly the joint detection probabilities of multiphoton states up to three photons, with high coincidence to accidental contrast for each. Used as a single-photon source, it gives heralded gH(2)(0) around 0.04 at a single-photon rate of 650 kHz on chip. The findings of our research highlight the potential of this nanophotonic platform as a promising platform for generating nonclassical, few-photon states with ideal indistinguishability, for fundamental quantum optics studies and information applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number044033
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2023


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