Identifying the workflow potential of business processes

Joerg Becker, Christoph V. Uthmann, Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Though the activities of business organizations in the field of workflow management are facing an enormous growth, a methodical solution for an essential problem occurring in many workflow projects is still lacking: the identification of those processes that can be supported by workflow applications in a profitable way. In this paper we present a structured framework, which can serve as a guideline for the evaluation of processes during the selection and introduction of a workflow management system. This framework contains three groups of criteria: technical, organizational and economic. Designed as a scoring model, this approach enables the user to evaluate the workflow potential of business processes systematically. First, the underlying concepts and design of the framework are outlined. In the following we describe, how the framework can be adjusted to individual needs through a three-step aggregation process. In order to demonstrate the practical relevance its application within an industrial workflow project is described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199
Number of pages1
JournalProceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
StatePublished - 1999
EventProceedings of the 1999 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-32 - Maui, HI, USA
Duration: 5 Jan 19998 Jan 1999


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