Immobilization of cadmium in sediment by treatment with an aluminum salt and freeze-thaw dehydration

X. G. Meng, R. D. Letterman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Laboratory-prepared silica suspensions, with a known amount of sorbed cadmium, and a cadmium-contaminated lake sediment were treated with aluminum nitrate at pH 9.5. The aluminum-to-solids ratio was varied from 1.6 to 40 mmol aluminum per gram of dry solids (0.05-0.2 mmol m-2 for the silica suspension). Timed chemical extractions of cadmium were conducted with both 1 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) at pH 8.0 and dilute HNO3 at pH 5.0 to determine the extent and the mechanisms of cadmium retention by the Al-treated solids. The results indicate that the amount of cadmium extracted from both silica and sediment can be significantly reduced by Al treatment. The NH4OAc-extractable cadmium in the sediment treated with 1.6 mmol aluminum per gram of sediment was 80% less than the extractable cadmium in the untreated sediment. Both enmeshment of contaminated particles in aluminum hydroxide precipitate and enhanced sorption of cadmium on Al-treated silica seem to be important in reducing cadmium mobility. Freeze-thaw treatment of the Al-treated sediment significantly reduced the volume of the settled solids and did not affect the tendency for the treatment to enhance cadmium retention. The sorption of cadmium by silica can be greatly enhanced by the addition of an amount of aluminum that is much less than that required for monolayer coverage of the silica surface.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)219-233
Number of pages15
JournalColloids and Surfaces
Issue numberC
StatePublished - 1991


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