Impact of PHEV in active distribution network under gas station network attack

Xue Li, Jing Dong, Dajun Du, Lei Wu, Minrui Fei

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


This paper proposes a novel method to analyze the impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) charging on branch power flows and voltages of an active distribution network under gas station network attack. Specifically, when the gas station network is attacked and cannot provide refueling service, PHEVs running out of gasoline will be only driven in the electric vehicle (EV) mode, which will significantly increase PHEV charging load and lead to branch power flow increment and voltage drop or even voltage collapse in distribution network. To overcome the problem, the switch of PHEV operating mode (i.e., the EV mode and the combustion engine (CE) mode) is first analyzed by considering whether the remaining gasoline can satisfy daily gasoline consumption, and based on that, a novel model of the PHEV charging load is constructed. Then, an integrated approach including Nataf/normalization transformation and elementary transformation (ET) is employed to deal with the general correlation of spatially close distributed generations in the active distribution network. Furthermore, point estimate method (PEM) based probabilistic load flow (PLF) is used to analyze the impacts of PHEV charging on branch power flows and voltages of the active distribution network under gas station network attack. Finally, the proposed method is tested on a real coastal active distribution network, and simulation results verify that PHEV charging could result in continuous branch power flow increase and voltage decrease over a prolonged attack time. Moreover, the higher PHEV operating status (OS) leads to slower branch power flow growth and voltage drop, and a higher PHEV penetration level will exacerbate branch power flow increment and voltage limit violation over with the extension of the attack.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-203
Number of pages12
JournalISA Transactions
StatePublished - Sep 2020


  • Attack
  • Correlation
  • Elementary transformation (ET)
  • Gas station network
  • Nataf/normalization transformation
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)
  • Point estimate method (PEM)


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