Improved method for CKM constraints in charmless three-body B and Bs decays

Michael Gronau, Dan Pirjol, Amarjit Soni, Jure Zupan

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Recently Ciuchini, Pierini, and Silvestrini proposed a method for constraining CKM parameters in B→Kππ and Bs→Kππ through phase measurements of amplitudes involving I=3/2 K*π final states. We show that complementary information on CKM parameters may be obtained by studying the phases of ΔI=1 B→(K*π)I=1/2, Bs→(K*K̄)I=1 and Bs→(K̄*K)I=1 amplitudes. Hadronic uncertainties in these constraints from electroweak penguin operators O9 and O10, studied using flavor SU(3), are shown to be very small in B→Kππ and Bs→Kππ and somewhat larger in Bs→KK̄π. The first processes imply a precise linear relation between ρ̄ and η̄, with a measurable slope and an intercept at η̄=0 involving a theoretical error of 0.03. The decays Bs→Kππ permit a measurement of γ involving a theoretical error below a degree. We note that while time-dependence is required when studying B0 decays at the Υ(4S), it may not be needed when studying Bs decays at hadronic colliders.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014002
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2007


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