Inclusive semileptonic decays of polarized Ab baryons into polarized τ-leptons

S. Balk, J. G. Körner, D. Pirjol

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14 Scopus citations


We employ OPE techniques within HQET to calculate the inclusive semileptonic decays of polarized Ab baryons. Lepton mass effects are included which enables us to also discuss rates into polarized τ-leptons. We present explicit results for the longitudinal polarization of the τ in the AΛb, rest frame as well as in the (τ-,ν̄τ) c.m. frame. In both the Λb rest frame and in the (τ-,ν̄τ) c.m. frame we make use of novel calculational techniques which considerably simplify the calculations. The transverse polarization components of the τ are calculated in the (τ-, ντ) c.m. frame. We delineate how to measure the full set of 14 polarized and unpolarized structure functions of the decay process by angular correlation measurements. A set of observables are identified that allow one to isolate the contributions of the two O(1/m2b) nonperturbative matrix elements Kb and ∈b. a Supported in part by the BMFT, FRG under contract 06MZ566.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-233
Number of pages13
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 1998


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