Insights into the Mechanical Characterization of Mouse Brain Tissue Using Microindentation Testing

Xuesong Zhang, Eva A.N. van den Hurk, Johannes Weickenmeier

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1 Scopus citations


Indentation testing is the most common approach to quantify mechanical brain tissue properties. Despite a myriad of studies conducted already, reported stiffness values vary extensively and continue to be subject of study. Moreover, the growing interest in the relationship between the brain's spatially heterogeneous microstructure and local tissue stiffness warrants the development of standardized measurement protocols to enable comparability between studies and assess repeatability of reported data. Here, we present three individual protocols that outline (1) sample preparation of a 1000-µm thick coronal slice, (2) a comprehensive list of experimental parameters associated with the FemtoTools FT-MTA03 Micromechanical Testing System for spherical indentation, and (3) two different approaches to derive the elastic modulus from raw force-displacement data. Lastly, we demonstrate that our protocols deliver a robust experimental framework that enables us to determine the spatially heterogeneous microstructural properties of (mouse) brain tissue.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1011
JournalCurrent Protocols
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2024


  • brain sample preparation
  • indentation testing
  • mechanical characterization
  • mouse brain tissue


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