Integrated coordination scheduling framework of electricity-natural gas systems considering electricity transmission N − 1 contingencies and gas dynamics

Dawei Chen, Zhejing Bao, Lei Wu

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17 Scopus citations


This paper discusses a security-constrained integrated coordination scheduling framework for an integrated electricity-natural gas system (IEGS), in which both tight interdependence between electricity and natural gas transmission networks and their distinct dynamic characteristics at different timescales are fully considered. The proposed framework includes two linear programming models. The first one focuses on hour-based steady-state coordinated economic scheduling on power outputs of electricity generators and mass flow rates of natural gas sources while considering electricity transmission N − 1 contingencies. Using the steady-state mass flow rate solutions of gas sources as the initial value, the second one studies second-based slow gas dynamics and optimizes pressures of gas sources to ensure that inlet gas pressure of gas-fired generator is within the required pressure range at any time between two consecutive steady-state scheduling. The proposed framework is validated via an IEGS consisting of an IEEE 24-bus electricity network and a 15-node 14-pipeline natural gas network coupled by gas-fired generators. Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in coordinating electricity and natural gas systems as well as achieving economic and reliable operation of IEGS.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1422-1433
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2019


  • Gas dynamics
  • Integrated electricity-natural gas system
  • N − 1 Contingencies
  • Optimization
  • Scheduling


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