Interval-valued availability framework for supplier selection based on component importance

Robert K. Hague, Kash Barker, Jose E. Ramirez-Marquez

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Scopus citations


    The availability of ageing systems, particularly weapon systems within the Department of Defense, is of significant concern, as budgets tighten and system replacement is infeasible. This work addresses the selection of sole suppliers according to their ability to provide component parts that strengthen availability of the system. We extend a popular multi-criteria decision-making approach, Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to an Ideal Solution, by (i) considering the availability of individual components as the criteria in the decision problem and (ii) weighting those criteria according to the value of component importance measures while (iii) accounting for uncertainty in underlying reliability and maintainability parameters with interval numbers. An aircraft example illustrates the approach.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)6083-6096
    Number of pages14
    JournalInternational Journal of Production Research
    Issue number20
    StatePublished - 18 Oct 2015


    • availability
    • importance measures
    • multi-criteria decision-making
    • supplier selection


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