Investigation of hybrid monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines under lateral cyclic loading in sand

Xuefei Wang, Xiangwu Zeng, Xu Yang, Hao Yu

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Monopile foundation have been widely used for offshore wind projects. With growing size of offshore wind turbines and their deeper water depth, stronger foundations are needed. The hybrid monopile foundation, which combines a monopile with a friction wheel, is investigated in this study. A series of centrifuge tests was performed on foundation models under cyclic loadings in sandy soil. The tests were conducted on a monopile, a monopile with solid wheel, and a monopile with crashed stone wheel. The cyclic responses of the three models are described. Accumulated lateral displacements and lateral stiffnesses are investigated: the lateral displacement increases continuously with cycles but at a lower rate, and the stiffness tends to be larger during the cycles. The hybrid monopile foundation shows a better lateral capacity comparing to the original monopile foundation. The theoretical analyses of monopile foundations were introduced and compared with the experimental results. The results are aiming to optimize the design of offshore wind foundation and provide better in-service behaviors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)219-231
Number of pages13
JournalGeotechnical Special Publication
Issue numberGSP 294
StatePublished - 2018
Event3rd International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2018: Installation, Testing, and Analysis of Deep Foundations, IFCEE 2018 - Orlando, United States
Duration: 5 Mar 201810 Mar 2018


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