JPL micro-thrust propulsion actmties

Juergen Mueller, Colleen Marrese, John Ziemer, Amanda Green, Eui Hyeok Yang, Mohammad Mojarradi, Travis Johnson, Victor White, David Bame, Richard Wirz, Martin Tajmar, Vlad Hruby, Manuel Gamero-Castaiio, Jochen Schein, Robert Reinicke

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Formation flying and microspacecraft constellation missions pose new propulsion requirements. Formation Dying spa& due to the tight positioning and pointing control requirements, may need thrust control within 1- 20 pN to an accuracy of Q.1 pN for LISA and ST-7, for example. Future missrons may have extended thrust ranges into the sub - mN range. However, all do require high specifc impulses (>500 sec) due to long required thruster firings. Mi- may need higher thrust levels into the sub - to low mN range, but may require d impulse bits well into the pNs range depending on mission, and need to be diciently miniaturized. At JPL, a variety of micro-thrust propulsion activities are being undertaken to address the various mission needs. These include evaluation of Indium FEEP and colloid thrusters for LISA and ST-7, miniature ion engine development, test support for vacuum arc thruster performanw measurements, novel micrdoid thruster development, MEMS-based highly integrated micropropulsion systems for microspacecraft, as well as componemt development, such as miaovalves and field emitter arrays for beam neutralization.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNanoTech 2002 - "At the Edge of Revolution"
StatePublished - 2002
EventNanoTech 2002 - "At the Edge of Revolution" - Houston, TX, United States
Duration: 9 Sep 200212 Sep 2002

Publication series

NameNanoTech 2002 - "At the Edge of Revolution"


ConferenceNanoTech 2002 - "At the Edge of Revolution"
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityHouston, TX


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