Laser light propagation in a turbid medium: solution including multiple scattering effects

Knut Stamnes, Wei Li, Snorre Stamnes, Yong Hu, Yingzhen Zhou, Nan Chen, Yongzhen Fan, Børge Hamre, Xiaomei Lu, Yuping Huang, Carl Weimer, Jennifer Lee, Xubin Zeng, Jakob Stamnes

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3 Scopus citations


Abstract: We have shown that solutions to the radiative transfer equation for a homogeneous slab yield a zenith radiance reflectance that for collimated beam incidence in the nadir direction can be expressed in terms of the lidar ratio, defined as the extinction coefficient divided by the 180 backscattering coefficient. The recently developed QlblC method, which allows one to quantify layer-by-layer contributions to radiances emerging from a slab illuminated with a collimated beam of radiation, was used to show explicitly that in the single-scattering approximation the attenuated backscatter coefficient estimated by the new QlblC method gives the same result as the lidar equation. Originally developed for the continuous wave (CW) lidar problem, we have extended the new QlblC method to apply to the pulsed lidar problem. A specific example is provided to illustrate the challenge encountered for ocean property retrievals from space observations due to the fact that a very significant fraction of the signal is due to aerosol scattering/absorption; typically only about 10% (or less) comes from the ocean. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

Original languageEnglish
Article number110
JournalEuropean Physical Journal D
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2023


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