Lateral bearing capacity of hybrid monopile-friction wheel foundation for offshore wind turbines by centrifuge modelling

Xuefei Wang, Xiangwu Zeng, Jiale Li, Xu Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

67 Scopus citations


The hybrid monopile-friction wheel foundation is an innovative alternative for offshore wind turbines. The concept has wider adaptability and can be used as reinforcement method for existing monopiles. A series of centrifuge tests was performed to investigate the lateral bearing capacities of the hybrid foundation under monotonic loads. Five foundation models and two soil types were considered. According to the recorded responses, the hybrid foundation demonstrated better lateral behaviors that both lateral bearing capacity and stiffness are enhanced. Two analytical methods were proposed and compared with the centrifuge test results. The bearing capacity of the hybrid foundation is smaller than the sum of individual pile and friction wheel, and a reduction factor is suggested for both friction wheels. The friction wheel restrains rotations of monopile and provides extra restoring moments; their effects are idealized as equivalent moments acting on the pile head. The analytical results provide possible solutions in estimating the lateral bearing capacity of the innovative hybrid foundation system for offshore wind turbines by using traditional theories.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)182-192
Number of pages11
JournalOcean Engineering
StatePublished - 15 Jan 2018


  • Centrifuge modeling
  • Hybrid monopile-friction wheel foundation
  • Lateral capacity
  • Offshore wind turbine
  • Sandy soil


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