Linearized Theory of Nonstationary Cascades at Fully Stalled or Supercavitated Conditions

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Nonsteady lift and moment expressions are formulated for an infinite two‐dimensional cascade of foils experiencing periodic deformations about an equilibrium state which may be interpreted as either fully stalled airfoils or supercavitated hydrofoils. Fundamental assumptions are: 1) flow is incompressible and inviscid, 2) displacements are small, 3) foils are flat plates of negligible thickness, 4) the separated (or cavitated) wakes are taken to be straight slits extending from each profile leading edge and trailing edge to downstream infinity, 5) the boundary conditions are satisfied on the two sides of each slit which is assumed to be stationary for this purpose, 6) the mean incidence is considered to be large enough so that the separation points at leading and trailing edges remain fixed during the cycle of oscillation, and 7) there is a constant phase angle between the motion of adjacent foils. The flow problem is solved by conformal mapping using the acceleration potential.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-542
Number of pages12
JournalZAMM ‐ Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1967


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