Long-period gratings inscribed in photonic crystal fiber by symmetric CO2 laser irradiation

Fei Tian, Jiri Kanka, Bing Zou, Kin Seng Chiang, Henry Du

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28 Scopus citations


Long-period gratings (LPGs) inscribed in endlessly single mode (ESM) photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with symmetric and asymmetric CO2 laser irradiation are investigated both numerically and experimentally. Parallel results from conventional single mode fibers (SMFs) are presented for comparison. Theoretical predictions, transmission measurements, and near-field imaging indicate that, regardless of the fiber type, symmetric index perturbation induced by laser irradiation with the aid of a 120° goldcoated reflecting mirror results in LP0n symmetric mode coupling, while asymmetric irradiation without using the mirror leads to LP1n asymmetric mode coupling. Our results show that, because of the azimuthally anisotropic hexagonal cladding structure, symmetric irradiation yields far more reproducible LPGs in PCFs than asymmetric irradiation. On the other hand, the irradiation symmetry has little effect on the reproducibility of LPGs inscribed in SMFs due to the isotropy of its all-solid cladding structure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13208-13218
Number of pages11
JournalOptics Express
Issue number11
StatePublished - 3 Jun 2013


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