Low tool cost molding for thick-section composite

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Thick-section composite processing presents unique challenges not encountered in traditionally thin structures. Thick composite moldings are prone to thermal spiking, excessive processing time, non-uniform curing and consolidation, and high residual stresses. Toward addressing the above problem, the method is being developed for fabrication of thick-section composite parts. In this study, instead of conventional mold making process that can be expensive for thick cross-section composite part, cast nylon is machined to form a mold. Cast nylon has high strength, good wear and abrasion resistances, giving the material better dimensional stability, easier machining and greater modulus. Then, vacuum infusion technology is applied to drive the vinyl ester resin into the stitched glass-fiber pre-form. The method has the potential to yield low cost by reducing the tooling cost while still providing improved properties for the fabricated composite part.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings)
StatePublished - 2006
EventSAMPE '06: Creating New Opportunities For The World Economy - Long Beach, CA, United States
Duration: 30 Apr 20064 May 2006


  • Molds/mold making/mold design
  • Resin infusion/vacuum infusion processing
  • Tools/tooling materials/tooling technology


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