Manipulation of ultracold Rb atoms using a single linearly chirped laser pulse

T. A. Collins, S. A. Malinovskaya

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19 Scopus citations


At ultracold temperatures, atoms are free from thermal motion, which makes them ideal objects of investigations aiming to advance high-precision spectroscopy, metrology, quantum computation, producing Bose condensates, etc. The quantum state of ultracold atoms may be created and manipulated by making use of quantum control methods employing low-intensity pulses. We theoretically investigate population dynamics of ultracold Rb vapor induced by nanosecond linearly chirped pulses having kW/cm2 beam intensity and show a possibility of controllable population transfer between hyperfine (HpF) levels of 52S1/2 state through Raman transitions. Satisfying the one-photon resonance condition with the lowest of the HpF states of 5 2P1/2 or 52P3/2 state allows us to enter the adiabatic region of population transfer at very low field intensities, such that corresponding Rabi frequencies are less than or equal to the HpF splitting. This methodology provides a robust way to create a specifically designed superposition state in Rb in the basis of HpF levels and perform state manipulation controllable on the picosecond-to-nanosecond time scale.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2298-2300
Number of pages3
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number12
StatePublished - 15 Jun 2012


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