Material and geometric effects on propulsion of a fish tail

Ahmed A. Hussein, Saad A. Ragab, Muhammad R. Hajj, Mayuresh J. Patil

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We investigate the effects of material flexibility and aspect ratio on the propulsion of flapping tails. The tail, which is assumed to deform in the bending direction only, is modeled using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The hydrodynamic loads generated by the flapping motion are calculated using the three-dimensional unsteady vortex lattice method. The finite element method is used to solve the coupled time-dependent equations of motion using an implicit solver for time integration. The results show improvement in the thrust and propulsive efficiency over a specific range of non-dimensional flexibility defined by the ratio of the elastic forces to fluid pressure forces. Structural and flow characteristics associated with the improved performance are discussed. As for geometric effects, the performance depends on the excitation frequency. At low frequencies, the improvement is continuous with increasing the aspect ratio in a manner similar to that of rigid tails. At higher frequencies, the improvement is limited to a region defined by aspect ratios that are less than 0.5. The extent of the improvement depends on the flexibility.

Original languageEnglish
Article number066008
JournalBioinspiration and Biomimetics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2021


  • aspect ratio
  • elastic loads
  • flexibility
  • strong coupling
  • three dimensional unsteady vortex lattice method


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