Maximum Correntropy Derivative-Free Robust Kalman Filter and Smoother

Hongwei Wang, Hongbin Li, Wei Zhang, Junyi Zuo, Heping Wang

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26 Scopus citations


We consider the problem of robust estimation involving filtering and smoothing for nonlinear state space models which are disturbed by heavy-tailed impulsive noises. To deal with heavy-tailed noises and improve the robustness of the traditional nonlinear Gaussian Kalman filter and smoother, we propose in this work a general framework of robust filtering and smoothing, which adopts a new maximum correntropy criterion to replace the minimum mean square error for state estimation. To facilitate understanding, we present our robust framework in conjunction with the cubature Kalman filter and smoother. A half-quadratic optimization method is utilized to solve the formulated robust estimation problems, which leads to a new maximum correntropy derivative-free robust Kalman filter and smoother. Simulation results show that the proposed methods achieve a substantial performance improvement over the conventional and existing robust ones with slight computational time increase.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8540327
Pages (from-to)70794-70807
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2018


  • Robust Kalman filtering
  • half-quadratic minimization
  • heavy-tailed noise
  • maximum correntropy criterion
  • robust Kalman smoothing


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