Mean-Deviation Analysis in the Theory of Choice

Bogdan Grechuk, Anton Molyboha, Michael Zabarankin

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22 Scopus citations


Mean-deviation analysis, along with the existing theories of coherent risk measures and dual utility, is examined in the context of the theory of choice under uncertainty, which studies rational preference relations for random outcomes based on different sets of axioms such as transitivity, monotonicity, continuity, etc. An axiomatic foundation of the theory of coherent risk measures is obtained as a relaxation of the axioms of the dual utility theory, and a further relaxation of the axioms are shown to lead to the mean-deviation analysis. Paradoxes arising from the sets of axioms corresponding to these theories and their possible resolutions are discussed, and application of the mean-deviation analysis to optimal risk sharing and portfolio selection in the context of rational choice is considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1277-1292
Number of pages16
JournalRisk Analysis
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2012


  • Coherent risk measures
  • Deviation measures
  • Mean-deviation analysis
  • Theory of choice


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