Metabelian groups: Full-rank presentations, randomness and Diophantine problems

Albert Garreta, Leire Legarreta, Alexei Miasnikov, Denis Ovchinnikov

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We study metabelian groups G given by full rank finite presentations 〈A|-|R〉M in the variety M of metabelian groups. We prove that G is a product of a free metabelian subgroup of rank max {0,|A|-|R|} and a virtually abelian normal subgroup, and that if |R|≤|A|-2, then the Diophantine problem of G is undecidable, while it is decidable if |R|≥|A|. We further prove that if |R|≤|A|-1, then, in any direct decomposition of G, all factors, except one, are virtually abelian. Since finite presentations have full rank asymptotically almost surely, metabelian groups finitely presented in the variety of metabelian groups satisfy all the aforementioned properties asymptotically almost surely.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)453-466
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Group Theory
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 May 2021


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