Darinka Dentcheva, Andrzej Ruszczynski

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2 Scopus citations


Risk forms are real functionals of two arguments: a bounded measurable function on a Polish space and a probability measure on that space. They are convenient mathematical structures adapting the coherent risk measures to the situation of a variable reference probability measure. We introduce a new class of risk forms called mini-batch forms. We construct them by using a random empirical probability measure as the second argument and by post-composition with the expected value operator. We prove that coherent and law invariant risk forms generate mini-batch risk forms which are well defined on the space of integrable random variables, and we derive their dual representation. We demonstrate how unbiased stochastic subgradients of such risk forms can be constructed. Then, we consider pre-compositions of mini-batch risk forms with nonsmooth and nonconvex functions, which are differentiable in a generalized way, and we derive generalized subgradients and unbiased stochastic subgradients of such compositions. Finally, we study the dependence of risk forms and mini-batch risk forms on perturbation of the probability measure and establish quantitative stability in terms of optimal transport metrics. We obtain finite-sample expected error estimates for mini-batch risk forms involving functions on a finite-dimensional space.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)615-637
Number of pages23
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2023


  • Wasserstein metric
  • dual representation
  • empirical estimates
  • error bounds
  • risk measures
  • stochastic subgradients


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