Minimal variation of defect structure due to the order of room temperature hydrogen isotope implantation and self-ion irradiation in nickel

Brittany Muntifering, Jianmin Qu, Khalid Hattar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The formation and stability of radiation-induced defects in structural materials in reactor environments significantly effects their integrity and performance. Hydrogen, which may be present in significant quantities in future reactors, may play an important role in defect evolution. To characterize the effect of hydrogen on cascade damage evolution, in-situ TEM self-ion irradiation and deuterium implantation was performed, both sequentially and concurrently, on nickel. This paper presents preliminary results characterizing dislocation loop formation and evolution during room temperature deuterium implantation and self-ion irradiation and the consequence of the sequence of irradiation. Hydrogen isotope implantation at room temperature appears to have little or no effect on the final dislocation loop structures that result from self-ion irradiation, regardless of the sequence of irradiation. Tilting experiments emphasize the importance of precise two-beam conditions for characterizing defect size and structure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2887-2892
Number of pages6
JournalMRS Advances
Issue number42
StatePublished - 2016


  • ion-implantation
  • ion-solid interactions
  • nuclear materials


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